Insights On Blog Optimization

My little brother, with the blog set up to sell his eventually-going-to-be-published superhero novel, has started some pretty hard-core-for-a-college-student optimizations to make his writing more sticky.  This post is probably of genuine interest to uISVs, as it involves changes in header art which essentially make the blog’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition) more comprehensible and the blog connect better to the target readership.  This has apparently caused about 25% more readers to stick around and actually keep reading when they’re drawn into his copious linkbaiting efforts.

He also found that rewriting old evergreen content to make it better bears some fruits.  That is a good idea you could probably adapt for your business, too.  I do wee little experiments with my most popular pages quite frequently to see what I can do to increase their popularity and also increase the amount of value they pump into the rest of my business.  I can vouch for my brother’s finding on “adding by subtracting” — decreasing the number of free bingo cards offered on one page greatly increased the percentage of visitors who downloaded, and increased the amount of time spent on site substantially (like, by a factor of two substantially).  It also drove many folks from a conversion to a card (low value — measured in pennies) to a conversion to the trial (much higher value — 60 cents or so).

Food for thought!

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New Blood in the uISV Blogosphere

I don’t link out to uISV bloggers often enough and when I do it is often to the usual suspects.  However, recently, I’ve broadened my reading horizons and discovered that there are a couple of newer uISV bloggers out there who are very worthy of your time.  I thought I would feature a few:

Optimization Blog — Are you an A/B test junkie, or recovering junkie?  Have you ever decided to A/B test whether customers respond better to the #0000FF or #0000FE as a link color?  Then you just might like this blog.  Topics of note include placement above the fold, Big Freaking Download Buttons, and buttons versus textual links (the results will not suprise you if you’ve been reading this site for a while, but I have them in my feedreader on the chance they come up with fun new stuff).

MicroISV Class of 2007 — Tracks a collection of uISVs started in 2007 through their sophomore year.  Good luck to all!  (Some of them are pretty impressive, although I don’t know if I would spend quite so much effort on WebsiteGrader.  There is a point after which optimizing for metrics not measured in dollars or other objective measurements of customer interest ceases to be productive.  But I like pretty charts as much as the next guy, so I keep tuning in.)

Planet MicroISV — The world’s best collection of uISV blogs, now with a new and improved interface (from Styleshout, who have a wide variety of free Web 2.0-y themes if you’re looking for one — if you have a blog or linkbait project that needs to look pretty in a hurry I highly recommend them).

If you’ve got another blog the community should be reading, drop a comment.  Feel free to drop a link to your own blog, unless it is

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Steph Grenier On Generating Traffic For Your Website

I think I mentioned that I don’t really like ebooks the last time I reviewed one.  Please incorporate that total hatred by reference here.  Nonetheless, I gave that ebook, which was written by a professional colleague, an unreservedly positive review, because I sincerely think it will help many of my readers sell software.

Now I’m in sort of a conundrum — I received a copy of another e-book to review.  I respect the author greatly.  The other author who I already gave a positive review to praised the e-book lavishly.  So what’s my problem?

Well, frankly, I can’t imagine the book being all that useful to you, with the exception of three pages that are absolutely dynamite.  (It very well might be useful to some folks who don’t read this blog.  Why write a review for them, though?)

The story in 60 seconds: Steph Grenier of LandLordMax  wrote an e-book on How To Generate Traffic To Your Website.  (I also contributed a chapter to a real on-dead-tree book that Steph is getting published later this year.  The project is unrelated.)  The e-book includes 136 pages, with quite a few full-page annoted screen captures of Google.  We’ll call it about 120 pages of content, in which he covers 11 chapters, from SEO to Blogging to AdWords.

If you do the math there, that is about 11 pages per subject.  Now, supposing you were trying to explain blogging in 11 pages or less to someone who had never heard of the concept before, what do you think you could write before running out of space?

Well, maybe a good introduction to blogging for someone who is never heard of it.

And that is, in a nutshell, what about 95% of the e-book is.  A good introduction to SEO, AdWords, or blogging, for someone who has never heard of the topic.  At all.  If you have done any significant reading on the topics, this e-book will not teach you much that you don’t know.

Example excerpt from the chapter on Blogging:

[One reason why to blog is that it] can personalize your business. Instead of being just another faceless website it can give your website a second personality. It can give it that personal touch that people like. A lot of sales are through emotions, and people like to connect with people they like and trust. If you’re honest and real on your blog, and not just writing what you think people want to hear, you’ll create a personal bond with your customers. This will create long term traffic.

That paragraph is true.  It is fairly well-written.  It just doesn’t teach you anything you don’t already know if you habitually read blogs.  If you have ever read a blog post about why to blog, which are legion, you know it already.  If you already have a blog, you know this in your bones.  This section is also representative of the depth this book goes into on almost all subjects.  If you’re a non-technical small business owner who reads email but isn’t quite hip on this whole Internet thing yet, you might well learn quite a bit from this chapter.  If you’re running an ISV, this is almost certainly going to be akin to having a computer programmer sit through a middle school Algebra I lecture (“OK, class, I’m going to introduce a deep concept — sometimes, instead of a number, you can do math using a letter!  We call this a variable.”)

Topic Selection

I’m somewhat interested in SEO and linkbait, as long time readers of this blog know.  I really can’t recommend the chapter on SEO that much — if you have read almost anything on the subject you already know everything written here, and the topic selection leaves much to be desired.  For example, it covers Keyword Density (a metric which is, frankly, useless because it leads to no actionable insights on how to write your pages) at multi-page length.  Meanwhile, it almost ignores methods of getting links.  (Which is a shame, because this would have been a great time to mention the next section.) 

Three Pages I Really Loved

Pages 52-54 are, far and away, the best part of the book.  It provides a case study (incredibly rare in this book — most of it is basic techniques unconnected with any real examples) of how Steph used a free calculator on his website to double his traffic.  If this had been written elsewhere in the book, the level of detail would have been something like:

Freebies do attract traffic. Unfortunately it’s not always good traffic, some people will only come for the freebies and leave, but many will also stay and re-visit your website in the future (and possibly tell others about it). If you’re a blogger, they may read your other blog posts, buy your services, etc. If you’re a company they may look through your website for other interesting pages, they may tell others about what they found, etc. Freebies have always been a great way to attract attention and traffic. The key is how well you can convert the traffic coming from the freebies.

(Actually, the chapter on Freebies does start out like that.  Nothing you didn’t know already.)  But when grounded in the case study, the chapter suddenly becomes much more useful.  It examines the calculator from multiple points of view — promoting the freebie (which I’d call linkbait, incidentally, and mention REPEATEDLY in the SEO chapter because I will *guarantee* you this did more good for Steph than all his metatags could ever hope for) with a press release, for example.  If the entire book was like these three pages I’d be telling everybody I knew to go out and buy it today, but sadly they are an anomaly.

A Trend I’m Not That Fond Of

One of the reasons I hate e-books is they have a distressing tendency to turn into MLM schemes, with folks writing e-books to promote e-books to…  you get the general idea.  So when I see affiliate links in an e-book, that generally sends my spidersense tingling.  It means that the reader is paying for the privilege of reading an advertisement.  Moreover, unlike say an advertisement in your favorite magazine, rather than being adjacent to the content and clearly marked as not influencing the editorial judgement, these these affiliate ads are built into the content.  Example:

Today what we’ll attempt to do is give you an overview of the most effective SEO techniques at your disposal. I can’t hope to cover everything SEO related, there’s too much material. Indeed, I’d recommend the SEO Bookby Aaron Wall as further reading. I bought his EBook about 2 years ago and I still continue to personally reference it as a great resource. And as new SEO techniques surface and others expire, Aaron continues to update his EBook.

I broke that link intentionally.  Now, SEOBook is a great resource, I’ll agree.  I joined Aaron Wall’s (the author’s) training program for $100 a month, and feel I have gotten enough out of it to justify my first month (ask me about the second in another month).  But if you had found the chapter on SEO a little lacking in the useful detail department, and clicked on that link to go from the beginners’ class to the intermediate one, you’d have caused Steph to pretty much double his money on selling the book to you. 

This troubles me — not because making money on the Internet is a bad thing or anything, but once you start down this road, it becomes difficult for the reader to differentiate between the advice that you’re giving because it is solid advice and the advice you are giving because it offers a solid commission.

Similarly, Bob’s review also uses affiliate links for both Steph’s book and the inline reference to SEOBook.  And we’re off to the Internet Marketing races.  Instead of focusing on selling products of value to customers, we start down the merry path of cannibalizing members of our community for revenue by selling them on the dream of being a successful uISV.  They, in turn, then get to make money by selling the same products to other folks dreaming of being successful uISVs.  Who get to sell the same products to others hoping to be uISVs.  Instead of being an involved community of software entrepeneurs, it would be a community of MLM hucksterism, which does not bring value to anyone and doesn’t generate any revenue from outside the pyramid.

This concern is why I don’t put affiliate links on my site.  Keep in mind that I have the utmost respect for both Steph and Bob, I just think this trend is not in the long-term best interests of this community.

Review In Ten Seconds

Steph Grangier: great guy, successful uISV.  This book: not so hot for most uISVs.  If you buy it: save time, read and implement pages 52 to 54.

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Bingo Card Creator Sales Stats

As promised yesterday, I’ve cobbled together a feature to semi-automatically generate monthly sales reports.  At the moment I can’t show you guys the more impressive portions of the backend, as they integrate customer data at the moment, but I did manage to totally bulletproof the monthly sales report.  (Meaning it is physically impossible for anyone to get from the sales data to any identifiable information about customers, which would be 101 flavors of bad.  The actual backend code is not even uploaded on the production copy of the server.  I’m a little paranoid, what can I say.)

You can take a gander here.  Note the stats for March 2008 are, by necessity, not complete yet. ;)

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Adding some backend tracking…

I have been working on backend stats tracking for Bingo Card Creator to supplement Analytics.  While most of it is completed, I have to get the stats out of the Rails console, which while quite useful (arbitrary queries!) leaves something to be desired in the eye candy department.  Since I eventually want to present stats to my users, I figured I would teach myself how to use the Plotkit Javascript library, which makes pretty charts client-side so they don’t crash my server.

I’m sort of tired at the moment, so I can’t describe exactly everything I did to get this running (some other day, I promise), but as a proof-of-concept I graphed the total number of times bingo cards have been downloaded from Daily Bingo Cards and Bingo Card Creator (and, of course, the combined site as of March 1st).  Its a little rough around the edges but, hey, its dynamically updated.  Interested folks (and competitors ;) ) can find it here.

Two goals here:

  1. Better data visualizations lead to better decisionmaking.  I really started believing this after working with CrazyEgg for a while.
  2. If I can hook this sort of stuff directly into the backend sales tracking I can have the website report my monthly sales without having to do any work.  Programming is the art and science of being strategically lazy, after all.  Then that is one less blog post a month I have to write.  (Or fail to write, as the case may be — need to catch up on that tomorrow.)
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Pressing My Customers' Buttons

In my continuing desire to split test the heck out of everything, and my continuing total inability to graphically design to save my life, I went back to the LogoSamurai folks and got some buttons designed for the website as drop-in replacements of my current ones.  I’m also getting some made by my web designer Gursimran, and will be testing tNew buttons to testhe two against each other (and, of course, against the current set) and keeping the ones which are most successful at driving the conversions. 

Gursimran isn’t done with her set yet, but since the Logo Samurai guys are, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek.

As you can see, these are much more Web 2.0 than most web sites in my niche, and quite different from the previous look&feel for the Bingo Card Creator site.  That’s why we test them, of course — I don’t want my opinion on what my customers want to calcify and blind me to the actual facts of what they act upon.  Gursimran has a very different visual style so I’m intensely interested in seeing how things work out.  (Sidenote: I love the pencil!)

Cost for these, incidentally: $60, $15 per button.  I had to convince Gursimran to take money for the buttons, as she wanted to just throw them in with the price I already paid for the web design.  As great a deal that is, I would feel really terrible imposing on her like that — professionals should not be afraid to charge money for services, in my opinion.

Plus, if the winning set of button increases my trial conversion rate by 1% and/or my purchase conversion rate by 1%, that would work out to be quite a bit of money.  I also like keeping all of my freelancers happy with me, as I feel it will tend to get me work done in a timely and high quality manner, and thus prevent me from having to go play Russian Roulette with the freelancer sites to find a replacement source of talent.

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Results of Site Redesign

About a week ago I merged Daily Bingo Cards and Bingo Card Creator, and embarked on a massive site redesign.  I thought I would write a bit about how this improved my numbers.  I have compared traffic to the combined total of the two sites — all other comparisons are against Bingo Card Creator itself, because I am lazy.  These are not rigorously devised statistics — they’re my quick eyeball of typical statistics for a weekday.

Visitors: 900 -> 1,200

Pages per Visit: 2.5 -> 3.5

Time per visit: 90 seconds -> 150 seconds

Trial Downloads: 100 -> 125 to 150 (hasn’t settled yet)

Confirmed Application Installs: 20-25 -> 30-40 (hasn’t settled yet)

Sales: 2 -> slightly under 1.

I’m sort of at a loss as to what is causing the sales to go down.  Its possible that is just natural fluctuation, as all of the pre-sales indicators are way the heck up.  I also might have some folks working through the trial pipeline who remember the old branding and get turned off by the new design (“This isn’t the right site!” is a very serious worry in my market). 

A graphic on how well the design focuses user attention, stolen shamelessly from my page on St. Patrick’s Day bingo and courtesy of CrazyEgg (I just upgraded to their $19/month plan because I’m getting too much traffic for the $9 plan to be useful — please, God, send me more problems like that one).  (This image will almost certainly be truncated by WordPress.  Click to see the full sized version.)

St. Patrick's Day click tracking

And one more, because images are fun.  Caution: this isn’t the best test in the world, because I did some significant changes to the sidebar several times while the test was running, and when element IDs change sometimes CrazyEgg “loses” the clicks from some of the views.  (This is so that you don’t see big red splotches where page elements no longer exist, obviously, but it also means that most of the clicks on those buttons aren’t getting shown.)

CrazyEgg analytics of front page

Alright, back to my favorite Saturday activity: doing taxes!  (I got the uISV part done already.  It came out to a bit over $800 on $6,300 odd of profits.  Now I’ve just got to collect a bunch of statements documenting less than $100 in interest and then fill out a bunch of boring administrivia forms.)

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Add An Image, Increase CTRs By Lots

I found a nice free icon set to spruce up my Irish bingo cards blog post, which is going to get seen by several thousand people in the next week.  I figured, hey, add a cool looking image to useful content and you’ll get much better linkable action out of it.  Plus, folks are much more likely to click it.  Doesn’t it grip you so much more than just the text alone?

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Brilliant Bit of Javascript for Redirecting Downloaders

One of my uISV buddies, Ethan (king of language learning software), took me to task earlier today for spending so much time optimizing my download page when I could just eliminate it entirely and link the download direct to the download button in most cases.  I had always had these issues with that solution:

  • My users don’t necessarily know what to do with a window that pops up
  • If I do an HTTP Refresh or Javascript redirect, many browsers pop a security warning
  • I have to discriminate between Mac and PC users somehow
  • It is impossible to track that conversion for AdWords purposes, currently

Examining Ethan’s code made it really easy to avoid the first two issues:

function SetUpRedirect()
var destination = ““;
return true;

If you stick that in the OnClick attribute of a link pointing at your favorite executable, three seconds after clicking the link and having the download initiate, the user’s browser goes to the download page in the background.  This causes no security warning, scores them as a download conversion with the appropriate code on the page, and presents graceful fallback behavior if they don’t know what to do with the window that just popped up, since you can give them instructions.

Ahh, but what to do about the difference between Windows and Mac computers, which need different installers?  First, we make a controller method to handle it in Rails:

def free_trial_download
    if request.user_agent.downcase =~ /mac/
      send_file “public/files/”, :type => “application/zip”
      send_file “public/files/BingoCardCreatorInstaller.exe”, :type => “application/exe”

 That essentially says “If I’m positive you’re using a Mac, initiate a download of the zip file.  Otherwise, initiate a download of the exe file.”  (Obviously since 92% of my downloads are PC users I want to err on the side of caution.) 

Then, with a simple route added to routes.rb:

map.downloadFreeTrial ‘free-trial/download’, :controller => ‘static’, :action => ‘free_trial_download’

we get a simple URL which is platform agnostic and which decides, on the server side, which version of the file to give them.  You can then decorate your links to the platform-agnostic URL with the code to redirect the page to the download page in the background, with Analytics click tracking, and what have you.  Easy peasy!  One less step in the conversion funnel, and instantaneous recovery of a large portion of the 20% of folks who bounce out of the funnel at the download page.

WARNING: send_file will cause your Rails process to block while that IO transfer takes place under certain older versions of Rails (not in 2.0 in my testing).  This will cause requests coming to the same Mongrel after the download to wait until the download completes to start, which if you have a 56k modem user could potentially cause your basic site access to be delayed for minutesNot good news!

My site has two Mongrels running, very few dynamic requests, and very small executables.  If your site doesn’t have this profile, instead of using send_file, 302 redirect the browser to the appropriate file and let your web server handle the request before Rails does.

WARNING NUMBER TWO: You don’t want bots hitting that action, so its time for a good-old robots.txt exclusion of it.  Note that deploying this sitewide will cause your free trial page to lose quite a bit of the juice you’re sending to it.  However, given that that page is typically linked far and wide on the Internet and doesn’t include much interesting content on it (which would distract from the conversion to the trial!), you can probably live with that tradeoff.

Quick request: if you run an obscure browser or a Mac, kindly use my OS-agnostic link and tell me if it works for you.  (You should get a prompt to download )

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Regsoft Picks Up the SWREG Scam

I just paid ~$16 to the excellent Robosoft folks to renew my subscription to their updates for the submission service, and lo and behold, it seems that Regsoft is now doing the same scam that SWREG got into hot water for earlier:

Regsoft Scam

To add insult to injury, they put my order through extended verification because they’re afraid that I’m trying to scam them.  (This happened when I purchased Robosoft the first time — IP address in Japan + billing address in America = fraud screening.  I need to remember to use my US proxy server next time, so that my profile looks like a smart crook rather than a dumb, legitimate customer.) 

(For those of you who haven’t heard of this before, the scam is that if you hit that Continue button or the link right next to it, your credit card gets charged $9 a month until you call up the number on your statement to cancel it.)

And if it were anybody but Robosoft, and would probably have called Visa already to report a probable fraud in progress.

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