I Never Really Set Out To Have A Brand

… but Google decided I have one, anyhow:

Sitelinks image

Those extra links under the result for me are called Sitelinks, and the general idea is that Google wants to simplify access for the most common subnavigational queries on your brand, thus removing a click from the process for your visitor.  If you’ve got a name that could ever be directly searched, you might want to consider that folks may not come in at the home page.  (Heck, this is the Internet: you should ALWAYS consider the possibility of folks accessing your site in essentially a random manner.  Something like 70% of my traffic comes in at an entrance other than the home page!  Thus, if you have a free trial page, you need to try “selling” the free trial without the benefit of the homepage explaining what it does, etc.  I made some edits to my page today to try doing just that, without taking away from the Big Orange Buttons directing folks to actually download the trial.) 

Speaking of sitelinks, if you’re on the bubble for having them, you can see them in the Google Webmaster Console.  You’re given what links Google has chosen and the opportunity to nix individual links, but they won’t let you add new ones or specify (or indeed see) which queries will bring them up.  “Bingo Card Creator” doesn’t, for example, possibly because the algorithms aren’t yet convinced that that is navigational as opposed to someone looking for a bingo card creator.

It seems that Sitelinks, which used to be primarily the domain of the big brands with gazillion dollar advertising budgets, got democratized recently.  (I mean, heck, Daily Bingo Cards?  I’d be suprised if that saw more than 50 searches per month.)  Several other uISVs have them: Perfect Table Plan, Helpspot, and LandLordMax when I tried some quick searches.  (Others that I rather expected would have them didn’t, for whatever reason.)  Its, of course, an unalloyed good thing when you have them, since it means a search for the brand that you worked so hard building directs almost all the clicks to you, as opposed to folks trying to arbitrage off your brand equity, like say a download or typosquatter site. 

(I end up paying about $25 a month to download sites put ads for BCC right next to the actual download link for BCC and have customers hit it by mistake.  I’m happier to pay for the click than lose it to a competitor, but I can’t say I’m a big fan of the process.)

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Candidates for New Bingo Card Creator Logo

Logo Candidate #1

Candidate #2

Candidate #3

 As a common comment about the new Bingo Card Creator redesign was that the current logo doesn’t really play well with a blue/green color scheme, I had a few new logos drawn up with an eye towards possibly replacing the logo with one of them.  I used LogoSamurai, whose art style really captivated me from the first time that I saw it, although I have some reservations that it might be a little too hip for my customers. 

Of the three above, I have a clear sentimental favorite, but I’d be interested in hearing your take on things.

Incidentally, their checkout process had the most brilliant upsell I’ve ever seen: “You’re about to buy a logo for $67.  But wait, for just $50 more, you could get 2 additional logos.  What is not to like?”  Indeed, that is a great deal and minimizes the perceived risk of the transaction (getting a logo which you don’t like) while grabbing them additional sales from the folks they have already persuaded to become customers.  Good call.

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Significant Changes To Website

I’m now testing some of the upgrades to my website made possible by the new design: my purchasing page now has eye-level testimonials (the first of many — got to go through a year of email and put them on rotation) and some sidebarized credibility enhancing goodness.  The rails code for this is pretty simple:

<%= render :partial => ‘paging_bob_walsh’ %>

(He finally nagged me enough to put up testimonials.  OK, so perhaps he didn’t mention it to me directly, but the little Marketing Bob angel on my shoulder kept saying “Patrick, Patrick, where are your credibility markers?” until I gave in.

The second change I’m particularly proud of — it is designed with both SEO and users in mind.  Take a look at the sidebar on any of the “static” pages of the site (you know, the ones which are normally stuffed full of content but which don’t typically directly help conversions).

New and improved sidebar

As you can see, I now stealthily plug the holiday bingo cards for a period in advance of (and slightly past) the actual holiday, giving Google plenty of time to spider me and apply the front page link juice straight to that card.  I then pad out the rest of the slots with cards and categories chosen randomly.  That is iteration 1.0 of my linking architecture — I’m going to transition it to a neat little concept I call Rawlsian linking in a week or so, after I have it coded.  Suffice it to say its what linking would look like if the goal were to redistribute the wealth between pages.  The randomness is a fairly decent first approximation for now, and hopefully my users will also enjoy it, causing them to spend more time on my pages and become more likely to download the free trial.

Finally, I noticed in my logs that Google was hitting a lot of URLs with capital letters in them.  This was suprising, since my app is only supposed to generate URLs with lower-case letters.




(Same content, different URLs — uh oh!  Note if you were to click on those now you’d see it has been fixed.)

This was also catastrophically bad news, because if two URLs share the same content, they split their link juice and invite the duplicate content penalty to chase both URLs out of the index.

I fixed it by identifying the two actions which had the issues and then, if the URL had a capital letter in it, lowercasing the URL and issuing a 301 redirect to the proper, canonical version.  There is probably a less hackish way to do this:

def show
#prevent Google from indexing uppercased and lowercased versions of same content
if (request.request_uri != request.request_uri.downcase)
headers[“Status”] = “301 Moved Permanently”
redirect_to request.request_uri.downcase
else #process as normal

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Saint Patrick's Day Bingo Cards

Shamrock-themed Treasure Chest
Hideho, Internet searcher!  My name is Patrick McKenzie and I run a little business called Bingo Card Creator, which Google and company send big spikes of traffic to every holiday.  It being early March already, I thought I would whip up a batch of bingo cards for the Irish and Irish-for-a-day among us.  You can find them over at Saint Patrick’s Day bingo cards at my site.  And, of course, they’re free

Wondering how you can play bingo with your family or class?  Instructions are at the bottom of the above page.  Its really easy — print, cut, and go.

Back when I lived in Chicago, St. Patrick’s Day was always my favorite holiday of the year, excluding Christmas and Easter.  It is my saint’s day, naturally, and I tried to get out to Mass before the parade and assorted extravaganza.  You might be interested to know that St. Patrick, who most people remember more for mythical reasons (drove the snakes out of Ireland, etc), was quite the trooper.  He was the son of a nobleman, got captured and sent as a slave to Ireland, escaped and made it back to his native England, and then came back to help the people he had grown to love.  I always appreciated the charity and pure pluck that took, which is why I took his name again at Confirmation.  (And, I’ll confess, I have always been terrible at picking names and, having a perfectly decent one already, didn’t really go out of my way to find another.)

Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day parades, the most fun you will ever have at one is at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Nagoya, Japan.  It is, quite possibly, the world’s only St. Patrick’s Day parade which starts and ends at a Buddhist temple, which graciously permits the paradegoers to use their spacious courtyard every year.  They need the space because in most years several hundred people participate, a healthy majority of them Japanese.  (I have always wondered why it is so popular.  There are the folks married into Irish families, obviously, and a few folks with deep interests in Irish culture, such as the best traditional band you’ll find on this side of the Pacific.  But that didn’t account for the whole throng, clearly.  I once asked a man “So, how did you come to attend the St. Patrick’s Day parade?” and he said he had been coming since their very first year, when he saw a bunch of white people with strange clothes and bagpipes walking around the city, so he just tagged along and has been tagging ever since.  “We have a lot in common with the Irish.  We’re an island nation, we love our festivals, and we know how to party.”  True, true.)

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My Experience With Outsourcing Web Design

The new version of Bingo Card Creator is up and open to the world now.  It features a massive integration with Daily Bingo Cards (no link since the site is, well, integrated) and a spiffy new design.  I’d like to talk a bit about why I did that, how I got it done, and my reflections on the process.


I really lack design skills.  Sure, I can edit HTML and modify CSS if given a template to work with, but visually I’m just totally lost.  Ask my coworkers — I can fail to match colors given a closet full of white shirts and black pants.  While the open source Sunny design by Sangent kept me going for a ridiculous amount of time, I had always been not-wowed by the brown text, and the HTML was getting far too crufy to use in a dynamic site and to modify quickly and easily.  You’d be *amazed* at the challenges in keeping the right hand sidebar in a pretty position, for example.  (My fault, obviously, not his.)

Sadly I did not keep a photo diary of the website to show you how much, or how little, it has changed over the years.  Ah well.

You’ve Got Talent, I’ve Got Money, Lets Party!

One of the main things I appreciated with the OSS web design I used was that it fit my budget (um, nothing) when I was starting with that $60 constraint back in the day.  After 1.5 years of growth, though, Bingo Card Creator throws off enough cash so that I can comfortably smooth over my weak points by hiring people with talent to fill them.  This worked so exceptionally well for me for getting bingo cards written (total cost: approaching $500 and worth every penny) that I was fairly confident on doing it for web design.  One catch: I only know one web designer, and he was a little busy this month.

Enter eLance.  It is essentially a Rentacoder-type site with a) a much, much better interface and b) a wide collection of Internet professionals probably a little more biased towards web design.  I wrote up what I wanted, mentioned my price range was sub $500 (mentally I was thinking $300 – $500 based on expected quality), and started soliciting bids.

Here’s the project description.  Note I tried to make things as easy as possible for the designer.  This was both to tell folks which types of designers I wanted bidding, and also to signal to designers “This is not a client who is going to suck your time and be terrible to work with”.

What I need done:

I am a business owner and web programmer. My artistic and design skills, however, are limited. I am planning on merging two of my websites in an education-related niche, and will be using the merge as an opportunity to improve the current graphical designs (which are based on very generic looking open source templates, and do not mesh well at all).

All I need done is the CSS, HTML, and assorted graphics files for one page to use as a template — I am capable of porting the template to the rest of the site by myself.

What I already have versus what you will build:

I have two functioning websites for you to work off of, including the page whose content you will be using to design the template. I will also provide you with a design document identifying features which I will need in the template — target resolution, number of columns, and the like. You get to take the existing content plus the design document and turn it into something pretty. I have also got a logo which you can incorporate into the site, or not — I’ll leave that one up to your discretion.

Style notes:

The overwhelming majority of my users are non-technical females in their 30s and 40s. The website needs to have a clean, inviting, and bright feel to it. I rather like the artistic direction of most Web 2.0 sites, if you need general inspiration — simplicity, curves, etc. If you’ve got a portfolio of sites like that, you’re more likely to get my business. What I do *not* need is a generic-looking template with a stock photo on it.

Technical notes:

For SEO purposes and to ease my integration job, I’m going to need the CSS externalized, the layout to be done primarily in CSS rather than in tables, and the code to look very clean.


I’d like to have this done within 2 weeks, which is quite generous for the amount of work I expect this to require.

I started to get a lot of bids, most extraordinarily low from countries with low prevailing wages.  Many of their portfolios were filled with… websites of a quality which I would not aspire to?  Most of the bids were also copy&paste templates which gave absolutely no indication that they had actually read more than a sentence of my proposal.  Here is a fairly typical one, with some edits for anonymity.

We are team of professionals having expertise in developing web based application using PHP/ASP and Cold fusion and in web designing using Photoshop, Dreamweaver,Illustrator,Flash 8.0/Flex & Maya. After reading your project description, we are highly interested to do this CSS page for you.  [Note this first and most crucial paragraph tells me nothing of use, other than they understood the word CSS.]

Here are some of the reference websites designed by us recently.

[Snip of websites, none of which look remotely like anything in my niche, inviting to ladies, etc.]

We can carry on with your work for 100 USD where in we will design this page exactly as per your requirements using CSS. Kindly revert back incase you need for information from us. Thanks!! Bob

One proposal, however, stood out:

Hello and thanks for the opportunity to bid on your project. I understand your requirement for a clean, web 2.0 style professional layout and can deliver precisely the same.  I can deliver a high-impact template incorporating pleasant colors, ease of navigation and a look that would not tend to bore prospective visitors, even on multiple visits.  [Holy cow, a designer who talks about design and not tools.  Pinch me.]

I have over 9 years of experience working on CSS layouts and can assist you better as I am a woman myself.  [She read the spec!]  If you can give me the links to your current websites as well as a summary on what you expect the new design to do for you, [she knows she needs more information and is unafraid to ask before promising the moon!] I am willing to do a FREE sample design for you to consider before you may chose my bid or any other.

Feel free to see my portfolio -http://www.gursimran.com [take a look — the portfolio page itself sold me]

Thanks & Regards,

I was at this point 95% convinced I would choose Gursimran, based on the quality of her letter and portfolio.  However, she had offered to do a free design, so I decided to take her up on it.  After giving her my requirements spiel, this is what she came up with:

Hello again Patrick,

Please find attached [warning: huge image, new window] the mockup I did for you.

What I have tried to achieve with this design:

1) Integrate web 2.0 elements like soft gradients, visible text and bright choice of colors for ease of navigation and a clearer message.

2) A layout completely achievable with the use of pure CSS and with excellent flexibility as well as editable text everywhere for easy updates.

3) Individual header images which use text as their headings (editable via html) enhancing the message as well as giving a professional outlook.

4) Well spaced out elements to give a lot of open feel and ease of navigation.

5) Use of red and yellow from the logo balanced with gray elements to give subtle yet effective direction to the layout.

I do look forward to your comments.
Everything in this layout is built from scratch (except for the logo) – so feel free to ask for any modifications on the same. My goal has been to keep it simple but effective – do let me know if you prefer it any other way.

Thanks for your consideration,

Its clean.  Its web 2.0.  Its beautiful.  It is also colored blood red, firey orange, and black.  OK, clearly we need a bit of work on the color scheme, but this makes me 100% certain that I’m going with Gursimran.  We then go through a few iterations on color — I keep saying variations on “bright” and “pastel”, and some of her options were closer than others.  Not being totally happy with any of them, I looked through her portfolio (the online equivalent of paint swatches), and said “I really like the blues you have here” (her personal blog).

Concurrently with the color scheme selection, we work on button designs.  Funny thing about icons — if you don’t know a bit of trivia about the cultural background of the audience, you just might make your Download Now button look like a stopsign:

Stopsign download buttons

So I told Gursimran that red + hand displayed palm up does not mean “You’re cordially invited to download this software” in America, and suggested some improvements to make things more inviting.  The next version was much improved:

Much improved icons

(Note: not using those on the website at the moment, but I probably will later after some tweaks to them.)

Then I got a bit of touchup work done on the line wrapping, and voila, one completed website.  I quickly mailed Gursimran back thanking her for the design, and released her payment.  A glitch on eLance’s side caused me to be refunded five minutes before releasing the payment, so I had to send it again, but other than that things went off without a hitch.

The End is Only the Beginning

I was largely satisfied with that design — not quite feeling the dark green, but otherwise it was worlds better than what I could accomplish by myself.  Feedback from my professional peers was also largely positive.  Then I started to integrate it with my sites, and found that a few points were a little brittle.  For example, if you had sidebar items which were 2+ lines long, they’d overflow the image designed to hold them.  Uh oh, not good when you need to write things like “Canadian Provinces Territories And Their Capitals Bingo Cards” (longest one on the site at present, by the way).

And I really didn’t like that green.  So I busted out Stylizer (highly recommended, and a uISV product to boot), replaced the image background with a plain HTML color, and then used their extremely intuitive color selector to find a green that I liked.  Then I noted its HTML value, opened up the old image in Paint.NET, used the magic select button to grab all of that wedge Gursimran had nicely drawn for me, and flood-filled it.  This gave me solid green, but solid green was a little much, so I played with a bit of a gradient to white until I found a look that I liked.  Then I went back to Stylizer, changed the text from black to white (which makes it look a whole lot less dark), and changed the rollover color to blue so it would be visible.

Now, what to do about the sidebar?  Well, I decided to go all text labels on the sidebar for consistency, and made them green because otherwise the navigation bar would be the only green thing on the site, and looking at it was making me feel blue.  (Bad puns like this are an English teacher’s stock in trade.)

Twelve hours of HTML editing and Rails wizardry later (30 templates to alter, gack), the site is looking better than it ever has and will now be MUCH easier for me to update in the future.  It also has some functionality improvements which I’ll talk about later.

Suggestions for outsourcing

  1. Get ready to be flooded by a bunch of low-quality, copy/paste proposals on the freelancer.  Ignore them, and focus on finding the diamonds in the dust.
  2. The more specific your proposal is, the better informed your designer will be and the more likely you’ll attract a quality designer (who, naturally, want quality clients).  Gursimran commented that I was one of the best clients she ever worked with, and she is certainly the best designer I’ve ever worked with, which is sincere praise even with a sample size of 1.
  3. English is funny sometimes.  Examples you can point to sometimes help a lot more than our limited design vocabulary, especially when you’re an engineer and your design vocabulary contains only the words “pretty” and “not pretty”.
  4. For God’s sake, look at the portfolio before accepting a bid.  You might not get designs as stunning as the portfolio, but you certainly aren’t going to get better, and about 50% of portfolios disqualify designers straightaway.

Anyhow, next time I need something done, I’m shortcircuiting this process and bringing work straight to Gursimran.  I recommend her to any uISV needing a quality design done in a visual style similar to what she usually produces.  Please don’t make her so busy that she can’t work on my sidebar buttons. 

Minor nuisances

Communication and length of time it took to get the design done (two weeks and change) were more problematic than it would have been if I had had face-to-face contact with the designer.  However, I was in no particular hurry.

Next Step

I’m getting a new logo designed to match the new look.  Expect my report of that next weekend.  There are also a million and one little tweaks to do to the new site.  If you’ve got comments, I’d love to hear them.

Standard Disclaimer:

I have never accepted payment for plugging service providers and won’t start anytime soon.  Gursimran graciously consented to be written up for this blog post.

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Review of Bob Walsh's MicroISV Sites that Sell e-book

I’ll be honest with you: I hate e-books, with a burning passion in my soul.  I don’t like reading them — they are inferior, in almost every respect, to a well-designed web page.  They typically contain worse information than could be found in a Google search, with a poorer layout and taking less advantage of the ability of your computer to organize information in a non-linear fashion.  The promotion of e-books takes heavy advantage of the fact that the cost of reproducing them is zero, and as a result there are untold scads of them which are essentially multi-level marketing schemes, with chains of affiliates seven or eight layers deep.  I have had forums which I like succumb to the disease, and its like sitting down at your favorite coffee shop only to be set upon by the local Mary Kay lady.

But while I really hate e-books, I really like Bob Walsh.  He is one of the leading lights of the uISV community and, while I sometimes disagree with him on individual details, he has previously given enough good advice on his blog and in his forum posts to make me largely trust what he has to say.  So when he asked me a few months ago “Hey Patrick, I’m going to be writing an e-book about USPs and want to feature you in it.  Will you help me out here?”, I of course agreed.  (I’ll explain what a USP is in a minute.  Hold your horses.)

That book project turned into Micro-ISVs Sites that Sell! , which Bob released to general acclaim last week.  I’ve been busy showing a friend around town, so I haven’t had time to give it a proper review yet, but now that I have 30 minutes free I want to give you my take on it.

So what’s that USP Thing Again?

A USP is a Unique Selling Proposition, which is a word I had never heard of before hearing Bob beat it like a drum continuously for the last 2 years.  The basic idea is that any product needs to have one core differentiating factor that separates it from all the other junk on the Internet.  This idea has been around for a while, as a quick Google search will tell you.  Bob’s genius is to treat the USP and assorted methods of flaunting it on your website as an engineering problem.

He refers to the USP as a design pattern.  (Sure, you could read about them on Wikipedia too — but I refuse to help them link higher than the original authors for the canonical work on the subject.)  If you majored in CS this term is familiar to you already, but if not, basically design patterns take tasks which we routinely have to do in the programming world and give them names.  After you’ve named something, you can study it, and how it interacts with other named things.  After you’ve studied it, you can systemize it.  And after you’ve systemized it, you can replicate the success of your implementation of it.  That last idea was fairly revolutionary in computer science — more than anything else, it is responsible for bringing many forms of programming from out of the stratosphere of brilliant, socially maladapted geniuses and into the realm of just-another-knowledge-worker task, like accounting.  (Imagine if the field of accounting was invented from scratch for every company’s internal audit systems.  Not just the processes, the terminology and the rationale itself.  The crazy field you’re imagining is not far from where CS used to be!)

So Why Do I Care That Marketing Is A Design Pattern?

Well, let’s get down to brass tacks: it helps you make money.  Essentially every uISV starts out with a five page site which functions as a product brochure and can’t sell their product worth garbage.  Trust me, I know, I did it myself.  You’ve seen this: top menu bar reads home, features, screenshots, download, purchase, support.  Main page has one prominent screenshot of the full application, which is seldomly legible, and about 50-200 words describing what the program does.  The features page has 20 bullet points listing things like formats the program exports to and that it is faster than the competitors because it uses unique, proprietary algorithms.  The screenshots page has six screen shots, the first three being empty and the last three being extraordinarily visually busy, possibly with additional annotation saying “This screenshot is the main screen” and “The 32nd combo box from your left is where you select the widget”. 

I don’t mean to be harsh — my first draft of my website was quite similar to that.  Heck, it is still quite similar to that in some respects.  But in the intervening 18 months I spent an awful lot of time building a mental model of how my customers act, using that model to inform decisions about copywriting and site design, and then testing the bejeesus out of the changes I made.  This blog has detail of a lot of the decisions made in real time.  Bob’s book is, frankly, a much better organized resource: he clearly explains the rationale at the outset, so you don’t have to wait half a year learning it through osmosis.  He also goes into a few case studies of successful uISVs, showing how different parts of their USP work together to better connect with customers.

Let me quote a little bit of Bob’s take on me, so that you understand the quality of the advice the book has:

Creating Relevance: [Bingo Card Creator] is a software tool for educators and parents — it says so in the first line of copy in the site.  If you are not an educator or parent, that’s your cue to leave.  [Patrick: and they do, believe me.  You should see my bounce rate on generic bingo queries, and I’m happy about that!]  And if you are a teacher, that’s the cue that this isn’t one of those awful business enterprise sites selling software way too complex to use.

Below the fold of Bingo Card Creator’s main page is a short, understandable list of features.  [Patrick: I personally would describe them as benefits, not features.  The distinction is one that Bob expounds on at length elsewhere, and it is an important one.  Features are important to you, benefits are important to your customers, optimize accordingly.  And whoops, it just occurs to me that the page calls them features.  Hah, a marketing bug that has persisted for 2 years — time to fix!] 

Here’s the first one:

Save time! You can print bingo cards for an entire classroom on your normal computer and printer in mere minutes. Writing cards by hand takes hours — hours that you could better spend doing what you do best: teaching. Leave the busywork to the computer.

Take a moment to re-read that bullet point.  Did you notice the tone, word selection and the Us teachers against the Them computers feel of it?  [Patrick: Did you notice that I am playing to teacher’s desire to be seen as important and do important things, like teaching, and also denigrating my primary competition, which is manual labor?] Educators do not particularly like, trust, desire, or respect technology the same way programmers do.  Consider this rewrite in corporate business-speak:

*snip the rewrite.  It’s funny, but long, and I can’t copy-paste.  You’ll have to buy the book.*

Same approximate meaning, but an entirely different worldview.  One of the best ways of connecting with a given market is to speak as they speak, to share their worldview.  [Patrick: I work *very* hard to generally infuse the page with a “You can trust me because I’m just like you” vibe.  Bob gives plenty of other examples, too.  I note, as an aside, that if you write how your customers speak, they will find you much more easily on the search engines.]

Little Things That  I Liked

  • Hyperlinks!  An amazing concept — you can direct your readers to related or supplementary material on any subject in an efficient manner, and concentrate only on the subjects you are personally best at!  Bob makes excellent use of them throughout the book and its sidebars.  It is a bold step for the world of ebooks, bringing them solidly into the bright new year of 1996.  ;)  (Have I mentioned that I don’t like e-books?)
  • Visual design.  Just because it is chock-full of information, doesn’t mean it has to look like Usenet.  It also isn’t physically painful to read on my laptop — the book is horizontally oriented, so I don’t have any annoying letterboxing effect like reading a traditional paper-> PDF conversion.  That made me read a lot more than I skimmed.
  • Voice.  Voice is an English-teacher term.  It means that your writing, be it expository (“I want to teach you stuff”) or whatever, still manages to carry across your personality and uniqueness.  It is probably easier to think of it by trying to imagine a news report or corporate memo, which too-often try to eradicate any trace of personality, any flair with writing, and anything other than the facts and just the facts.  You care about voice as a writer because having it will greatly increase the perceived quality of your writing and increase the amount of attention people pay to it.  You care about it as a reader because it makes reading fun, as opposed to a chore, and frequently increases your retention of core concepts if they are well-integrated with the voice.  Bob’s voice is, among other things, unapologetically that of an engineer speaking to engineers, and if you’re an engineer you are much, much more likely to retain the core concepts from this book than if you had read the same stuff in a Sales Copy For Direct Marketers blog post. 

What I Wasn’t Quite So Thrilled With

I think that Bob has some weak points in his book.  It jumps between themes sometimes — while I agree, for example, that AdSense has no place on a uISV website, I don’t know why that information comes earlier in the book than his core themes about USPs.  Half of the thou-shalt-nots he presents in chapter 1 are, in fact, core issues with a lack of USP or borked execution thereof.  They deserve solid prominence in the book.  AdSense is just a tangent.

I also thing that Bob doesn’t stress the last part of the design pattern cycle enough: after you’ve analyzed, planned, and implemented, you should test the heck out of everything.  If your intuition about your market says that they will respond positively to your choice of language, and your market does not respond positively to your choice of language, then your intution is wrong.  If your Iterator pattern causes your website to take 15 seconds to render, time to go back to the drawing board.  If your USP gets conversion to the trial of 5%, ditto.  The topic of iterative refinement could easily fill a book, though.

My other weak point is exterior to the text: the book is priced at $19.  I don’t think that price communicates that this is a serious resource for an owner of a software company, which is designed to make you thousands of dollars once you implement the very actionable suggestions.  Bob knows his market better than I do, obviously, but that suggests to me that he is trying to sell the book to a crowd of people who are probably fence-sitting on whether they’re actually going to open a uISV or not.  If you are actually selling software — customers come to your website and buy things from you — $19 is a fraction of one sale.  Aaron Wall has produced a lot of reasoning recently on why pricing for the folks who least benefit from what you have to offer is not sensible as a long term strategy, and I tend to agree with it.  (As of yesterday, I am also paying Aaron Wall $100 a month for training on a subject I already consider myself intermediate-advanced on, with the expectation that it will probably make me a multiple of that eventually.  More on that later.) 

But that is neither here nor there — the upshot is, as a reader, you have an opportunity to grab this for a fraction of its value to you.  I’d highly suggest it.  (I hear it is also going to be featured on Bits Du Jour soon, probably for a steep discount.  Have I mentioned that I think the price is far too low as it is?)  Bob also asked me for a testimonial prior to publication, which I’ll reproduce here.

For people who enjoy the challenges of being lost in the wilderness, I highly recommend learning to market software by putting up a website and tweaking it incessantly until you find some combination of elements that works. For folks who prefer knowing they will be able to make the rent check, I suppose you could read MicroISV Sites that Sell! instead. This is Marketing 101 written by engineers, for engineers — copious examples of what works, a focus on concrete actions to take over voodoo psychology, and actionable suggestions for the marketing novice.

As usual, Bob hasn’t paid me anything for either that testimonial or this review.  (Well, I suppose being asked to participate in the book counts as being paid a tremendous compliment, but no money has or will change hands.)  I only mention it because I sincerely think it is of value to many of my readers.

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Quick Request Part #2

If someone with Java 1.3 or 1.4 installed on their computer could please download the Windows free trial from the Bingo Card Creator site, install it, and tell me whether you get to the main screen or not, I would be obliged. 

I believe the problem was that earlier I had assumed, having set the compiler to use version 1.3 in Eclipse, that I was getting Java 1.3 class files.  That worked for a long, long time.  Then I made an ant script and, boom, it stopped working the first time I ran the clear target and Ant used the (defaults to 1.6) javac target to make the new build.  Of course, having 1.6 on this machine, I never noticed the change.

All I can say is doh!

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If You Only Ever Read One Thing About Niche Marketing…

… make it the Search Value Pyramid graphic from Aaron Wall of SEOBook.  It’s so true it hurts, as I have to keep reminding myself every time I slip another place on [bingo cards] (oh no, my traffic numbers!) and gain another place on [need bingo cards for reading class] (oh yes, my wallet!)

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Quick Request

One of my customers has had issues on five (!) XP boxes installing Bingo Card Creator.  That suggests to me either a problem customer or a borked executable, which has happened to me on GoDaddy in the past.  Sales have been slow for the last 3-4 days, too, which means it is just possible it is happening, but it installs and runs fine on my Vista machine.  Could anybody who runs XP quick install the free trial of Bingo Card Creator and tell me if you can successfully execute the program?  If you see the main screen and the popup suggesting you check for updates to the program, you’re done.

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Blogging Hiatus For A Week

A friend of mine from high school is dropping by from tomorrow through next Saturday, and given that friends from high school do not routinely drop by Japanese rice fields, I will be showing her a good time rather than knocking a few articles off my to-write list.  See you in a week!

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