Andy Brice, man of many talents, is putting together a Christmas drive to make t-shirts for programmers and donate the proceeds to charity. Sounds like a swell idea — particularly the donating to charity bit, as my office will let me wear a T-shirt the day after I get elected Prime Minister of Japan.
Who Benefits:
Jaipur Foot: A charitable foundation which provides support to the disabled and needy in India, including by providing low-cost prosthetics.
Sightsavers: A charitable foundation which provides surgery and other medical care to people at risk of losing their eyesight due to mostly easily treatable conditions.
What You Can Do To Help Out:
1) Buy a T-shirt, naturally. I like “Be Nice: I have a blog” personally.
2) Help spread the word about Andy’s charitable drive.
3) Donate to the charities directly (links are available on their websites, mentioned above).
What I’ll Do To Help You Help Out:
Take a picture of yourself wearing one of Andy’s T-shirts. Alternatively, if you just straight out donated, take a picture holding a sign with a funny programming joke. (Or something which would approximate funny if programmers had a sense of humor. I suggest “I’m in your world debugging your illnesses!”)
Inform me of the photo in some manner — comment, trackback, email, skywrite your TinyURL over central Japan, whatever. For every person who does so by Christmas, I’ll chip in $30 direct to the charities. (We’ll set a sensible limit for the matching grant at, say, the first ten folks who take me up on it.)
Because We Wouldn’t Be Programmers Without An API Call:
What It Lacks In Subtlety It Makes Up For In Lack Of Subtlety!
[…] I’ve have just made the first payout. $106.20 of Zazzle T-shirt royaltie split evenly between Sightsavers and JaipurFoot. Patrick has also made a very generous additional donation as he promised on his blog. […]
[…] T-shirt update Published 23 February 2009 software , t-shirts Tags: charity, geek, programmer, software, t-shirts, tshirts I’ve have just made the first payout of royalties from T-shirt sales. $106.20 of Zazzle royalties were split evenly between Sightsavers and JaipurFoot. Patrick McKenzie has also made a very generous additional donation as he promised on his blog. […]