Luck of the Irish

After a day of St. Patrick’s festivities in Nagoya, including dinner at a quite nice (and incredibly not Irish — cheese tofu, though, deserves to be) restaraunt and clubbing (not something I frequently indulge in), I was wondering whether my budget was going to stretch to the end of the month or not.  I just woke up, checked my email accounts, and the box was stuffed.  One support request, about a dozen order confirmation emails (depending on how they buy it I get about 2-3 per order, so its less impressive than it sounds).  I kind of like the feeling of making more money while spending the evening out than the evening out actually costs. 

It seems that support request was related to a corrupted file, so I’ve got to keep an eye on GoDaddy to see if they’re not mangling my EXEs again.  I suppose it always could be a problem on the customer side or perhaps whatever download site they got it from, and I’m hoping it is, but with the frequency that I break my software I can’t afford for my hosting provider to break it, too. 

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